美服《无尽的任务》假想的E3愿望列表 同时存在很多问题

2014-06-14 1273






With little information on Everquest Next available at present and the fact that SOE’s Everquest Next/Landmark team is at E3 itself, there is a small chance we may see some Everquest Next-related news or updates tacked onto Landmark showpieces on E3.  To wit, I’d like to list down three things I would like to see or hear from SOE upon the MMORPG.com team’s return from E3.

I want Everquest Next to come out. The problem is, I have no control over any new information coming forth from Sony Online Entertainment regarding the development of Everquest Next.

If Landmark’s development cycle is any indication of the development time for Everquest Next, news regarding EQNext may need to wait till they get some of the other rudimentary systems coded and working in Landmark.

Of course, a lack of information running right before E3, along with the lack of a Landmark Live segment this week due to E3 means there is a chance, however small, that we may see some Everquest Next-related news or updates tacked onto Landmark showpieces on E3.

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