美服《坦克世界》 特殊的游戏模式—世锦赛 坦克驾驶和足球结合

2014-06-16 936


世锦赛将在6月12日和7月13日期间举行,这一切将被改写,绿草覆盖版本的Himmelsdorf地图。玩家将使用特殊运动,坦克围绕着巨石大小的足球,参与者将获得一个免费的特殊的一级t - 62坦克。杰出的玩家也将取得一个“足球运动员2014”奖章。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。


Wargaming makes serious games, but that doesn't mean they take themselves too seriously. In honor of the World Cup, they've created a temporary game mode that finally our two favorite activities - tank driving and soccer.

The World Football (read "football" as "soccer" here in the U.S.) Championship will be available between June 12 and July 13 and will take place on a reworked,grass-covered version of the Himmelsdorf map. Players will use special sport tanks to bat around a boulder-sized soccer ball and participants will receive a free special Tier 1 T-62A tank. Exceptional players will also score a "Football Player 2014" medal.

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