美服《碎片(Shards)》Kickstarter失败 官方确定三个努力方向

2014-06-16 965

《碎片》 Citadel工作室不惧Kickstarter运动失败




Crowd-sourcing might be game development's New Hope, but developers like Citadel Studios are discovering how difficult it can be to pull off. In the face of its failed Kickstarter campaign, Citadel this week sent out a gracious message of thanks and further expressed their determination to get their game made.
Inviting players to join them in community roundtables, the team is refocusing their efforts on three things:
Funding: We still need funding to get Shards Online to an alpha state. We are exploring multiple avenues and we will be sure to update you guys as we make progress.
Community: We are going to continue to work directly with our community. There are many ways you can help us as we move forward. From showing support, to feedback on our direction and vision, to playtesting and helping us build our knowledge base. We will involve all of you every step of the way.
Development: We are refocusing and working on a plan to get to alpha quicker and more efficiently. We are creating a development roadmap with tighter deliverables and more checkpoints along the way to release. This will actually be the topic of our second community roadmap (stay tuned for details on this)


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