美服《魔兽世界》如何让职业更完美 可以勤奋的去制作

2014-06-18 802






One thing I really liked about Star Wars Galaxies was the crafting. I loved that you could go out and harvest mats and they would vary in quality. Therefore if you were diligent enough about gathering, you could craft WOW Items that were better than other people's. I'd like to see something similar in World of Warcraft.

The problem is that SWG had harvesters you could go and plant and set to gather while you were away. You would just have to go and empty them when they got full. There's no way that a setup like that will work in WoW. Too much would have to change.

But I think we may have an answer in the new Garrisons coming with Warlords of Draenor. Perhaps as part of the profession buildings you could refine your mats in order to randomly get higher quality ones. The quality you could refine to would change daily so that if you got something good from the RNG, you could refine a bunch of mats to make wow items with better stats on them than otherwise.

For example, you could treat the skins you got into higher quality leather. Or you could critical your extraction attempts on herbs for the day.

People would pay more for potions that could heal for more or crafted wow items that had slightly higher levels. Of course, the gear would have to be relevant instead of the current state of things where drops and heirlooms are almost always better than what you can craft. So how would you make professions better?

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