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2014-06-18 1040




Firefall : On Demand Narrative Content Outlined
Posted Jun 17, 2014 by Suzie Ford
The latest "Path to Launch" has been published on the Firefall site. This particular issue is the first in a series that will introduce players and fans to new core systems being implemented into the game. In it, the team describes how players will be able to access "ARES Jobs", aka personalized narrative content "on demand", when arriving in a new zone due to the somewhat sporadic nature of dynamic content and ARES missions.

The most exciting aspect of ARES Jobs is the impact they have on the way you experience the overall world of Firefall and interact with the NPCs and other players who populate it. They give us a way to guide you through the world in an intuitive and unobtrusive way. When you reach a high enough level such that you would be better off in a different zone, a mission will appear in the ARES Job Board that will lead you to that area in your own time. It also provides a tool for organically introducing you to new content such as ARES Missions or thumping, either through creating jobs that specifically lead you to these events, or letting you discover them on your own as you travel to the location of your next objective.

ARES Jobs also help to make the world feel more alive. ARES Jobs can happen anywhere in the world, and other players are not notified if you are in the area working on one. This means there are a lot more opportunities to stumble upon a player in the world working on their own little mission, helping the world feel less like a large open area with only a few isolated interesting zones, and more like a fully populated world where people live and work.


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