
2014-06-20 1153





The latest in a series of articles regarding the creation and development of Elder Scrolls Online has been published on the official site. In this issue, the team discusses the process behind Veteran Dungeons and how they differ from "normal" dungeons to give experienced players a challenge.

In Veteran Dungeons, we want to bring your group a worthy challenge, take you to incredible new places in and outside of Tamriel, and expand the stories started by the normal versions of our dungeons. Some of the most complex fights in the game wait for you in them, and you'll have to coordinate, learn strategies, and probably die trying several times before you achieve success. When your group finally prevails, you'll get excellent rewards and see the story progress through events and NPCs you've met.

All of our dungeons have stories that unfold as you explore them, and it’s important to us to continue to develop them in the Veteran versions. Dungeons give us an opportunity to introduce you to new characters, re-introduce you to old ones, and to tell some of the story through scripted events—not only in-between fights, but as part of the bosses themselves. Plus, we get to draw on the incredible lore base of The Elder Scrolls, so we get to take you and your group to places like planes of Oblivion and explore other iconic elements of the event lasts.

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