美服《DOFUS》Srambad新增邪恶boss团出击 危机四布等你挑战

2014-06-23 2075


他们是黑暗之神——Great Sneak的代表。所以,你们还在期待着什么?他们不温柔,相反的,他们邪恶而可怕…比最可怕的噩梦还要糟糕,比最致命的瘟疫还要恶毒,去了解所有Srambad的boss吧!
不,你不明白,这不是恭维……只是以我们的方式告诉你,你压根就不应该穿过她的路,偷窃女王不会放过你的! 她已经坐在黑暗的朝觐的宝座上等你好几天了。你们中那些已经见过她的人说她就像黑暗野兽。
如果你注视着他,他不会让你好过! 在他的四条胳膊的帮助下,你的抵抗只能带来一种结果:粉身碎骨。。。
找到Scarlight队长!他非常喜欢 kutcha libre,(蒙面katch的变种),该boss显然是……邪恶的。



The are the representatives of the tenebrous god's dimension, the one they call the Great Sneak. So, what are you expecting? No, they're not gentle, they're mean, lean, and horrible... Darker than your worst nightmares, more sinister than the deadliest plague, learn all about Srambad's bosses!
This girl is da bomb!
No, you don't get it, it's not a compliment... it's just our way of telling you that, should you ever cross her path, the Queen of Thieves will blow you up! For a few days now, she's been waiting for you on her throne in the Dark Court. And already, those of you who met her talk about her like some dark beast!
Said to be immortal, the Queen of Thieves would also be the daughter of Sram. In cahoots with Gein the Quiet (who would then be her half-brother?), she's good at making enemies left and right: Vil Smisse and King Nidas to name but a few... Beware this adventurers eater: with her, you're treading on dangerous grounds!
If he's bringing you down, it's because the Toxoliath wants you on his cockroachy level... This boss, from the necrotic family, a bunch a giant necrophage insects who live in the Catacombs area, is ready to make you life a living hell!
If you find yourself looking him in the eyes, he won't go easy on you! With his four arms, the outcome of any fight against this pest is predictable: you'll rest in pieces...
Get to the ring and confront Captain Scarlight! A big fan of kutcha libre, a masked variant of katch, this boss from the malitiamen family is obviously... malevolent.
Take a hint from his skull head and don't go lightly on him, he's capable of the worst, dirtiest tricks and it will be difficult to send him to the ropes.
Enter his dungeon with a single goal: get Captain Scarlight's mask!

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