
2014-06-27 1267

* *电子邮件地址成功改变的账户仍需要进行转移。



Notice - Manual account transfer/merge result 2
As we have been facing an issue with account transfer/merge, we have received manual account transfer request. However, we have found out that the main cause of the issue is due to email verification failure. Thus we have changed email adresses of players to enable to get the verification mail and transfer the accounts properly. Also after the email verification, you will have no issue with receiving other emails from us.
Please check the result on the list: Click
** Account transfer is still required for all accounts of which email addresses were successfully changed. Please transfer your account on the link Here
If your character name is not on the list, kindly send us a request again with the detailed information. (Request form link: Click) Please make sure try to fill in all the details as much as possible for faster process.


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