美服《黑色战队》公布即将在韩国开首测 游戏拥有各种模式

2014-07-04 1008




《黑色战队》在6月有一个FGT beta赢得了玩家的优待。今年夏天晚些时候将启动大规模的首测。Neowiz游戏的副总经理说,他们希望《黑色战队》将成为一个新的FPS游戏的杰作。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。


Published by Neowiz Games and developed by NS Studio, the new MMOFPS "Black Squad" has been revealed today for the first time, and the first beta will start in Korea this summer.

Black Squad is a FPS military online game which is developed by Unreal Engine 3. The game has various playing modes and large-scale battles. Different from the existing FPS games, Black Squad will break through the tradition by showing off the fun of multi-views and cyber games.

Neowiz Games shows that, Black Squad is very easy to play, what's more, with the brand new logo and characters, it will bring a different FPS experiencing to players.

Black Squad had a FGT beta in June and earned players' favarable reception. It'll kick off a large-scale beta later this summer. The deputy manager of Neowiz Games says that they hope Black Squad would become a masterpiece of new FPS games.

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