美服《恶魔之言》一个快节奏的文字游戏即将到来 字母与幻想RPG的结合

2014-07-08 772

《恶魔之言》是Dylan Loney的第一个单人项目,这是一个非常漂亮的项目。它有一个很酷的概念:“字母与幻想RPG的结合。”






Words for Evil is Dylan Loney's first solo project, and it's a mighty fine looking one at that. It's got a cool concept, too: "a word game combined with a fantasy RPG."

You'll do all the usual RPG activities such as looting chests, battling monsters, buying new equipment, and levelling up. The difference is that your success in these events is determined by your word finding abilities.

Ensuring that this doesn't become tiresome is the game's be quick or be dead attitude. It seems like a more wordy version of 10000000, then.

Not much more can be said about Words for Evil at the moment. But it already looks like a small game worthy of your attention. I'll admit that I can't resist the lure of a fast-paced word game, either.

Words for Evil should hopefully be coming to iOS and perhaps other mobile platforms after its initial PC release. You can find out more details on its website.

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