美服《神之判决》作战演示视频发布 称为多元组合操作系统

2014-07-10 500








The Trials of Ascension team has sent word that it has posted a brand new video. In it, fans get a good look at the game via a combat demo utilizing what is called the "multi-motion action system". Developers also give fans an update on the progress being made in the technical demo being prepared.

*Multi-motion Action: Depending on the way that a user moves their mouse while inputting an attack, the direction of the swing and the motion changes, allowing for a fluid, natural, and multi-combination combat system

*Dual Wielding: Players control each of their arms individually by use the left and right mouse buttons, respectively.

*Blocking: Players can double click to block and change the direction of the block by the direction they are looking

*Dodging: Players are able to double tap the W, A, S, or D keys to dodge attacks

Trial of Ascension’s combat design is based on the very simple idea of you swinging, shooting, throwing, or defending in the direction you are aiming by using the left mouse button to control one arm and the right mouse button to control the other arm. There will be no locking onto a target by clicking on/tabbing to it. Depending on the motion that players use while attacking, the motion for their attack changes. Players can double click to block.

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