
2014-11-06 1320




The Everquest 2 site has been updated with news of the just-announced Aerakyn player race. Players will be able to purchase the ability to play as Aerakyn beginning November 11th and a new developer blog is on the site to lay out the unique qualities of the Aerakyn.

The Aerakyns were once the unwilling soldiers of the great Prismatic Dragon, Kerafyrm. Now free from his thrall, but unable to return to their homelands, they seek to re-establish their culture in Norrath. Since the Aerakyns were used as shock troops by Kerafyrm throughout Age’s End, they are looked upon suspiciously by most Norrathians. Despite the general prejudice against them, the Aerakyns are a neutral race of seasoned warriors who are determined to prove their worth. Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics that really make the Aerakyns stand out from other Norrathian races!

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