
2016-02-05 725
《上古世纪》新宠物猴王庆祝中国新年随着中国新年的到来,《上古世纪》的开发商XL GAMES最近给韩国服务器增加了一个新宠物猴子。从公布的预告片中可以看出,这是一个非常酷的宠物。
With Chinese Lunar New Year coming soon, XLGAMES, the developer of ArcheAge recently added a new monkey pet into the game's South Korean server. From the new released trailer we can see that it's a really cool looking pet.
Although promoted as "The Heavenly Saga", which is a godly title for the Monkey King in the famous Chinese novel "Journey to the West", this monkey pet is now named as "Narayana" in game, a god from Hinduism.
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