
2020-11-24 885
  There are no Conduits from the Great Vault. Conduits drop as Bonus Items, so if you get one from your end-of-dungeon Mythic+, it's not replacing a piece of regular loot that you would have gotten. You'll get a conduit for your class. Currently if you get lucky, you can get multiple conduits -- if Boss #2 drops a Prot Conduit and Boss #4 drops a Fury Conduit, you could possibly get both from a single run. No Conduits from the Great Vault currently.
  每周低保并不会出现导灵器。导灵器并不是普通掉落,而是额外掉落,所以如果你在大秘境的掉落里获得了一件导灵器并不会替换掉你本来应该拾取的一件装备。你也只会获得你自己职业的导灵器(不是拾取掉落,是职业掉落。切拾取是没用的)。目前如果你非常幸运的话,你可以一次副本拾取获得多件导灵器 :比如2号Boss掉落一个防战的导灵器,4号Boss掉落一个狂怒战的导灵器,你有概率一次直接拿全。但目前低保并不会出现导灵器。
  You should be able to get weapons tokens but don't 100% quote me on that, I'm pretty sure you can they're just loot. For things like the end-bosses or higher tier stuff, you can't get loot from the Great Vault if you've never killed that boss. Now, that's not a week-by-week thing, there's no I'm going to skip these bosses this week to game the system but you can't just go in with 3 Mythic boss kills under your belt and then get a Denathrius item or Stone generals item. That's not possible. You'll have to have killed him on Mythic at least once before those because valid options. Same for Heroic, same for Normal.
  你有概率在团本低保里获得武器的代币,但记住我的话 这肯定不是100%掉落的,我还是很笃定它们就只是普通的掉落。如果你从来没有击杀过一个Boss,那么你肯定不会在团本低保的箱子里获取他们的装备。记住,这并不是一个一周一变的事情,并不是“我这周要跳这几个Boss来钻系统的空子”。你也不能只打个M前3然后从来没打过后2就想从低保里获取后2 Boss的掉落,这是不可能的。你必须至少在史诗难度下击杀过一次这个Boss来让他们的掉落进入团本低保装备池。对于普通和英雄难度也是同理。
  低保不会掉落导灵器。 团本低保会掉落武器代币 (可能). 史诗难度每个Boss掉落3件装备。 团本低保装备池只会有你该难度击杀过至少一次的Boss的装备。
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