Aion Classic 将于本周五举行现场演示和问答活动,以迎接三月份在欧洲的推出

2023-02-14 636
Aion Classic将通过与Gameforge的出版协议,于今年年初进入欧洲市场。这个经典服务器旨在为新的受众带来Elyos和Asmodians之间的战争。
至于游戏内容,Aion Classic基于1.9版本进行了优化和修复,并进行了平衡调整。关键在于让Aion的粉丝和新玩家都能够从这个起点开始,因此游戏将从这个点开始。游戏中包含PvE之旅,有许多地图和实例可供挑战,您可以在其中升到50级。PvP也即将到来,有许多选项供玩家选择。可以挑战裂隙,Dredgions和要塞战斗,这些战斗的难度也有所不同。
然而,下个月的经典版本发布并不是终点,因为计划添加新内容,包括Siel’s Energy和Daeva Pass功能。您还可以期待一些新的独家内容,包括新职业的添加。
团队将会举行一场特别的直播展示和问答,介绍即将推出的欧洲版本。该直播将于2月17日在Twitch上进行,时间大约为18:00 CET / 12 PM EST。
欲了解更多Aion Classic的信息,请访问官方网站。
Aion Classic will head to Europe early this year via a publishing deal with Gameforge. Ths classic server aims to bring the war between the Elyos and Asmodians back for a new audience. There’s a new FAQ about the launch and what to expect from the release, the build details, and more ahead of an expected European launch for PC next month. In the world of Atreia, you’ll get the chance to fight in a war between those factions that has been going on for decades. The consequences hold and you’ll have the opportunity to learn a number of incredible powers. As for the content to expect, Aion Classic is built on 1.9, polished up and fixed, with additional balance changes. The key is to let Aion fans and new players alike get a start in Aion Classic, so things will be starting from that point. Featured will be the PvE journey, with a number of maps and instances to challenge, that you can level up to 50 throughout. PvP is also coming, with a number of options there too. Take on Rifts, Dredgions, and Fortress Battles for fights that scale too. It also wouldn't be Aion without flying combat, so you can expect that as well. The release of the Classic build next month is not the end, however, as new content, including the Siel’s Energy, and Daeva Pass features are planned additions. You can also expect some of the newer and exclusive content, including new classes to be added in the future. The team will be holding a special live stream presentation and Q&A about the upcoming European release. This stream will take place on February 17th on Twitch at around 18:00 CET / 12 PM EST. For more on Aion Classic, head over to the official site.
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