暗黑破坏神 3 第 28 季:圣所仪式将于 2 月 24 日推出,并提供新的和回归的奖励

2023-02-16 2133
暗黑破坏神 3 的新赛季即将到来,暴雪对第 28 季《圣所仪式》的期待有所了解。本赛季将于 2 月 24 日上线,届时将有新系统、平衡性变化,当然还有大量新战利品等你动手。
本赛季将于太平洋标准时间 2 月 24 日下午 5:00 开始,主题为圣所仪式。那么这一次意味着什么呢?暗黑破坏神 3 开发人员期待着短短几个月后的暗黑破坏神 IV 发布,因此他们希望通过一些传说潜入避难所,并“通过将物质目标与有意义的选择联系起来来增强玩家每个赛季的体验”。
本季的化妆品奖励对于那些加入暗黑破坏神 3 社区已有一段时间的人来说可能看起来很熟悉。他们中的一些人将从第 16 季回归。自第 17 赛季以来,一些奖励已轮换回来,以获得另一个获得它们的机会。本赛季,期待回归的征服者定位球,以及一些新的奖励。其中包括肖像框架和新的小宠物TaenninTaennin是一条小龙,有闪闪发光的翅膀,会陪伴你并留下一些光明。征服者也将看到回归轮换,其中五人将返回挑战。
至于圣所的传说和更多内容,这将通过仪式祭坛进行,您将在 1 级开始与之互动。从一开始,这可以用来使用大量权力,但需要付出代价。祭坛上有26个封印和三个药水力量。
正是这个系统可以让您获得和使用一些非常独特的优势,其中包括减少伤害、移动速度加成、将您的连杀计时器持续时间和奖励加倍、从物品中剥离所有等级要求等等。 您将能够开始解锁更多的封印和药水,并将这些力量应用于您的所有角色。收集材料并进行牺牲以解锁更多封印。
Diablo 3’s new season is almost here, and Blizzard has the notes for what to expect in Season 28, Rites of Sanctuary. The season goes live on February 24th, with new systems, balance changes, and of course, tons of new loot to get your hands on.
The season will begin on February 24th at 5:00 p.m. PST, with the theme, Rites of Sanctuary. So what does that mean this time? The Diablo 3 devs are looking ahead to the Diablo IV release in just a few months, so they’re looking to dive into Sanctuary with some lore, and to “enhance the journey players experience each season by tying material goals to meaningful choices”. 
This season’s cosmetic rewards might look familiar to those who’ve been part of the Diablo 3 community for a while. Some of them are returning from Season 16. Since Season 17, some rewards have been rotated back in  for another opportunity to get them. This season, expect returning Conqueror set pieces, and some new rewards as well. These include portrait frames and the new Taennin the Tiny pet. Taennin is a small dragon with shimmering wings that will keep you company and leave some light behind. Conquests will see returning rotations too, with five making their way back for the challenge. 
As for that lore and more on Sanctuary, this will happen via the Altar of Rites, which you’ll begin interacting with at level 1. Right from the start, this can be used to wield a lot of power, for a cost. There are 26 Seals on the altar and three potion powers.
It is this system that will let you earn and use some very distinct advantages, which include damage reduction, movement speed bonuses, doubling your killstreak timer duration and reward bonus, stripping away all level requirements from items, and much more.  You will be able to start unlocking more Seals and potions and have the powers apply to all of your characters. Gather materials and make sacrifices in order to unlock more Seals. 
If you do unlock all of the Seals, you'll be able to get a special reward, the Wings of Terror cosmetic, Seal AD.
For the full notes, head to Diablo 3.
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