《仙境传说OL》:“War of Emperium”比赛8月7日开战

2012-08-06 4428

游戏发行商日前宣布说在8月7日星期二将会有一场《仙境传说OL》的新竞赛,称为“War of Emperium”。这场比赛里,玩家将逐一对决来取得空间裂隙的控制权。


全副武装的海豹突击队来保卫领域,不至招致国家力量削弱,四分五裂。只有这个时代神话般的力量才能将Midgard 从厄运中救出。你和你的同盟军能够击退《横扫千军》的威胁并且捍卫终极《仙境传说》吗?一起来参加吧!专业玩家网游戏社区国外游戏爱好者交流社区,聚集众多美服、韩服、日服、台服等海外游戏玩家讨论外国游戏的地方.同时提供免费IP代理资源和免费VPN代理资源,让中国玩家无界限的交流。



Gravity Interactive has announced that Tuesday, August 7th will see the start of a new competitive event in Ragnarok Online. Called "War of Emperium", the event will pit players against one another to gain control of dimensional cracks.

Beginning August 7th, players will have the chance to compete for these rare, coveted cracks in reality deep within the Hall of Abyss. Players can watch the official Ragnarok Online Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/playragnarokfor full event details later this week!

The delicate seals that protect the world from spilling into complete chaos weaken and break, and only the knowledge and power from the age of myth can save Midgard from certain doom. Can you and your allies push back the threat of total annihilation and protect Midgard from the final Ragnarok?



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