《丝路传说 OL》:15周年庆 举行阿凡达设计大赛 最终赢家作品将被采用

2012-09-20 5217

JoyMax宣布说在《丝路传说 OL》(《Silkroad Online》)的15周年庆活动里,玩家们将可以挑战游戏版的“阿凡达”(avatar)。赢家将有可能获得现金奖励和奖品,亦有可能在游戏里获得永生的阿凡达。


“Project SilkroadWay”活动从今天开始,现在通过《丝路传说 OL》的Facebook网,挑战玩家来,通过设计自己的阿凡达来测试他们的创意。玩家们可以简单地总结自己10月4日之前Facebook网《丝路传说 OL》的设计并发表,将会有5个幸运位来展示玩家们的作品,并投票选出赢家,名单将在10月10日公布出来。获胜的玩家和幸运玩家将获得巨额游戏币,一个免费宠物和一个他们自己设计的终极模型,但是只有投票选出的赢家设计的阿凡达才会被追中采纳加进游戏中!工作室想要更快速的游戏出货,比价器无疑是最快的途径。


JoyMax has announced that, in celebration of Silkroad Online's fifteenth anniversary, players are being challenged to create an in-game avatar. Winners have the potential to take home cash and prizes as well as to have the winning avatar immortalized in the game. 

“Project SilkroadWay”, starting today through Silkroad Online’s Facebook, challenges players to test their creative side by designing their very own avatar.  Players can simply submit their design through Silkroad Online’s Facebook before October 4th, and five lucky entries will selected for player’s votes with the winner announced October 10th.  Winners and selected entries will all receive a hefty amount of in-game cash, a free pet and a finished model of their very own design; but only the winning avatar with the highest vote will be finalized into the game! 

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