《丝路传说OL》:最新"Undead's Revenge"补丁上线 团结就是力量

2013-01-16 4358

Joymax宣布说游戏《丝路传说OL》(《Silkroad Online》)的第三部分的多补丁更新将会延迟上线。随着"Undead's Revenge"补丁的问世,玩家们将会看到游戏的联盟系统有一个极大的改变调整,在团队参加战斗时加进了特殊的光团。

进行结党组派的玩家们将会获得一个增加25%经验的四人组奖品。只有这些团队才可以参加最新的挑战:Death Bone!Death Bone是要求级别达到最高级的团队才能参加;另外,“Roc时间攻击”在玩家合作时显得特别容易!

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Joymax has announced that the third part of the multi-patch update to Silkroad Online will be deployed soon. With the "Undead's Revenge" patch, players will see a major overhaul to the "Union Party System" with special buffs for groups that join together to form raid parties.
Players who enter into a union party will receive a special bonus EXP buff as high as 25% for a full union of four groups.  Only these massive groups will be able to take on the newest challenge: Death Bone!  Death Bone is the most challenging boss yet requiring a full Union Party at maximum level; the “Roc Time Attack!” may even feel easy in comparison.

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