
2013-11-16 3504


英雄人才包括多个现有的人才,在你进步的过程中提供特殊奖金。德鲁伊开始了他们作为法师 ,牧师和药剂师(所有标题是给定)的旅程,并能够进入流星撞击,魔法武器掌握,快速铸造技能 。


从九天外召唤燃烧的岩石球,流星撞击是一个巨大的范围攻击, 将敌人碾成粉末。禁得起敌人的长期攻击,他们会是个炎热的惊喜。通过练习, 你能够磨练你的技术,创建一个更大的火球。


掌握了棘手的新御术而行技能,能够让自己在移动的同时仍能专注于施招。一旦Spellwalk被激活, 你(只有你)能在脚下看到一个指示器,表明你准备激起另一个法术。发射Icebolt或治疗团队成员。使用Spellwalk,你总会占上风。


对最强大的魔术师来说,其所受时间限制并不比其所受空间限制多。激活快速铸造,将破坏性组合串起来。使用快速铸造,会出现一个小小时间栏,随着施法慢慢耗尽。一些简单的法术不需要耗费施法时间, 但另一些会减少施法时间。注意:这个法术适用于所有魔法玩家。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。


这项新的被动技能将允许年轻的德鲁伊磨练他们各种神奇的武器的精度。 使用魔法武器击败敌人,在Erinn进步时增加伤害输出。 你变得越强,就需要更有挑战性的对手已达到有效的训练。



The Path of the Druid
Merlin has inspired all the citizens of Erinn and now new content is coming to Mabinogi! We're introducing our first Hero Talent, the Druid: a special breed of spell caster who seeks complete magic mastery and wields a unique set of powers.
Hero talents encompass multiple existing talents, but offer special bonuses throughout your progression. Druids begin their journey as an Aspiring Mage, Aspiring Cleric, and Aspiring Apothecary (all titles are given), and have access to the Meteor Strike, Spellwalk, Magic Weapon Mastery, and Snap Cast skills right off the bat. Additionally, Druids have access to the Hero Support System
The New Skills
Meteor Strike
Summon a flaming rock ball from beyond the heavens! Meteor Strike is a massive area-of-effect attack that will shatter bones and pulverize your enemies into a fine powder. Withstand your enemies attacks long enough to cast and they'll be in for a hot surprise. Through practice, you’ll be able to hone your strike and create an even larger radius with continuous burn damage.
Those that master the tricky new Spellwalk skill will be able to keep themselves moving and still focus on their casting. Once Spellwalk is activated, you (and only you) will be able to see an indicator under your feet showing that you’re ready to whip up another spell. Fire out an Icebolt or heal a party member. With Spellwalk, you'll always have the upper hand.
Snap Cast
The strongest magicians aren’t bound by time any more than they’re bound by space. Activate Snap Cast and start stringing together destructive combos. With Snap Cast, a small duration bar will appear that depletes as you’re casting spells. Some simpler spells will require no cast time at all, while others have a reduced cast time. Note: this spell is available to all magic-users.
Magic Weapon Mastery
This new passive skill will allow young Druids to hone their precision with a variety of wizardly weaponry. Defeat enemies with magic weapons and increase your damage output as you progress through Erinn. The better you become, the more challenging your opponents will need to be in order to train effectively.





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