美服《FF14:重生之境》Free Company招募大赛出新招

2013-12-12 1147

Free Company招募大赛宣布(12/11/2013)


随着2.1补丁的发布,我们迎来了期待已久的 Free Company住房系统,你可以想象, Free Company 的会员活动直线上升! 置办住房不需要个人努力, Free Company争取尽可能多的成员的帮助建立的住房——包括里里外外!

虽然很多 Free Company 采取入驻论坛, 在Mor Dhona 大肆宣扬和其他方式招募成员, 我们愿意给FC一个机会-----通过视频大赛招募成员! 你需要做的就是组织成员, 制作招募视频,上传到YouTube。这样不仅会增加新成员, 如果你的视频被选中, 你的FC中所有成员都将获得独家恶神项链游戏物品!游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。



Announcing the Free Company Recruitment Contest (12/11/2013)
With the release of patch 2.1 ushering in the long awaited free company housing, you can bet that free company membership activity will be on the rise in a big way! Setting up your house is no solo endeavor and free companies are going to need to enlist the help of as many members as possible to establish a spectacle of a house – both inside and out!

While many free companies have taken to the forums, shouting in Mor Dhona, and other means to recruit members, we would like to give free companies an opportunity to promote recruitment with a video contest! All you need to do is organize your members, create a promotional video for your free company, and upload your video to YouTube. Not only will you gain new members, but if your video is chosen, all the members of your free company will receive the exclusive Ahriman Choker in-game item!

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